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Pot să arunc o privire în jur înainte de a mă alăturaIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Cât costă pescuitulIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Vreau să-mi aduc copiii să învețe să pescuiascăIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Ce reduceri există pentru vârstnici și persoane cu dizabilitățiIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
ce pești sunt în lacuriIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Cum funcționează competițiile de pescuitIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
De unde vine apaIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Cât de adânci sunt lacurileIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Acces pentru persoanele cu dizabilitățiIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Care sunt orele tale de deschidereIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Pot folosi un keepnetIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Care sunt restricțiile pentru momealăIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Care este diferența dintre un cârlig ghimpat și cel fără ghimpat.Introduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Putem înota în lacuriIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Pot să hrănesc rațeleIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Cum să fotografiez un peșteIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Închiriezi echipamentIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Putem rezerva lacul pentru un evenimentIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Ce sunt acele scoici sparte de pe mal?Introduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Un club poate rezerva lacurile pentru pescuitIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
De cât timp sunt lacurile aiciIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Pot să cumpăr miere de lacIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
ce este magazinul de reciclareIntroduceți răspunsul dvs. aici
Can I bring my DogDogs are allowed, so long as they are kept on a lead and don't cause a nuisance to members. You must be in possession of a doggy bag. Your dog must be insured. We don't allow dogs in the café
What is your policy with Children and Vulnerable adults.We encourage all guardians of Children and Vulnerable adults to take notice of our Health and Safety documents. We are essentially a natural environment which comes with its natural risks. Guardians must carry out their own risk assessments and take all steps to insure the safety of people under their supervision.
Have you a price list for your wellbeing rooms rental and other spaces and activitiesRedbridge Lakes: Embracing Wellbeing and Community Redbridge Lakes: Our Journey and Vision Originally established as a family fishery dedicated to nature conservation, Redbridge Lakes has significantly evolved over the years. Recognizing the increasing number of individuals and groups utilizing the venue for general wellbeing, we founded Wellbeing@TheLakes to support this growing demand. This initiative, although in its early stages, is rooted in over 15 years of experience. Redbridge Lakes Ltd and Wellbeing@TheLakes: A Collaborative Effort Wellbeing@TheLakes unites over 20 Member Organizations (MOs), including individuals, charity groups, and commercial entities. Our goal is to foster a collaborative environment where these groups can share experiences and support one another. Membership and Benefits Becoming a Member or Member Organization costs £30 to enroll, with an ongoing monthly fee of £5. Membership benefits include: A key for access to the front gate, café, and shop. Use of the green space, known as the Nature Trail, for outdoor activities at no charge. The ability to invite guests or clients to the venue, with members responsible for their guests' entry and exit. Discounts on member organizations' events and business activities. Available Spaces for Rent In addition to the Nature Trail, we offer several spaces available for rent: 1. Meeting Room Ideal for small groups and meetings, this space can be sealed off from the café area and has its own entrance. Rates: Full day or evening: £40 Half day (up to 4 hours): £30 Per hour: £10 2. Massage Room Fully equipped and sound-insulated, suitable for treatments or one-on-one consultations. Rates: Full day or evening: £35 Half day (up to 4 hours): £20 Per hour: £12 3. Treatment Room Commonly used by a beautician, available for various treatments. Rates: Full day or evening: £40 Half day (up to 4 hours): £30 Per hour: £15 4. Private Side Garden Suitable for small family events or gatherings, accommodating 50 or more people. Rates: Full day or evening: £50 + £5 per adult (children negotiable) Half day (up to 4 hours): £40 + £3 per adult (children negotiable) 5. BBQ Area Rates: Exclusive use: Full day or evening: £50 or half day (up to 4 hours): £30 Family use (1 member + spouse and 2 children): Free when shared with other families, additional guests £5 per head. 6. Lake Joy Rates: Exclusive use: £120 for all day or all night, includes the hut. Redbridge Lakes continues to be a hub for community and wellbeing, offering various spaces and opportunities for members and their guests to enjoy and benefit from. Join us in fostering a supportive and collaborative environment.
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